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DIOLkOIntegrating Rewards, Tokens and Prepaid

POS Reward Program Integration

The biggest issues with Reward Programs include the cost of implementing into the front-end payment session and managing the balance sheet liability through redemptions.

Wouldn't it be great to have these solved by your bank with real-time execution ?

See Loyalty Programs – for Small Business ?

Token Payments


What are these ?  Transit Tokens ?  Arcade Tokens ?

Well, it turns out that these can be made available through a core payment exchange and the applications to commerce would be outstanding.

See  Tokens – A new approach to accessing paid news, magazine, audio, video, game services

Prepaid Programs, Coupons, and Gift Certificates

Conversion of these payment services to electronic methods has been a nightmare.  Particularly when you want to get them into the front-end of the payment session.

How about getting them directly from your own bank without any systems or significant operating cost adjustments to your P&L ?

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